Q.Brown philodendron leaves
The edges of the leaves on my philodendron are brown. Am I overwatering?
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Sorry, clicked the button before I was done. If, when you test the soil, it's all dry all the way down, then you know you're underwatering, and you need to either water more often, or water more.
Philodendron usually react to overwatering by getting brown on the tips of the leaves, the brown area gradually extending so that it starts to take up the sides of the leaf as well. Also, the new leaves get smaller and smaller. It's easy to tell if you are overwatering - feel the soil. Get a bamboo skewer such as that used for kebobs, and stick it into the pot all the way to the bottom. When you pull it up it should be almost dry, with just the tiniest bit of soil sticking to it. That's when you water again