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Pecan Trees

Q.60+ Year Old Pecan Trees

Zone Columbus, GA | barbsdesk added on January 26, 2016 | Answered

I have inherited my parents’ Georgia property and their four huge pecan trees that were planted in the 1950s. Though they appear healthy, nothing has been “done” to them in more than 25 years, and if they are producing at all, it isn’t much. I’d like to try for a crop – any suggestions beyond fertilization?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 27, 2016

Pecan Trees do need regular fertilizing.
Lack of lime, nitrogen fertilizer and zinc are common limiting factors in nut production.
A soil test is a good idea since you are starting with little knowledge of the tree care.
Generally you would apply fertilizer in March on mature trees.

Here are some links to help you.


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