Q.60-70 ft tall, 25-30 year old leyland cypress, crowded together, are showing signs of distress
We bought a house about three years ago, in Reno, NV. Elevation 4900 ft.
In the front of the house, very crowded together, are five Leyland cypress and one sweetgum tree. The house was built in 1985 and these trees were likely planted around the same time. All six trees are 60 feet or over. All six are planted in a circumference of about 50 feet. No tree is more than about 2-3 feet from the next one. The first two years, no problem. The trees looked good. Last year, at the end of our usually hot, very dry summer, they had some yellowing, browning. Not at the tips. This year, with a wet, (for us), winter and spring they looked good at first. Now, by June 1st, getting very yellow needles, already. Your article, by Jackie Carroll, says they only live for 10-20 years. Our soil is not so good. We do water them. What to do? Keep trying. Cut them down? We like them, but we are worried. Thanks.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The lack of air circulation with close plantings, excess rainfall can be an issue; yellowing of plants. This can lead to diseases; both fungal and bacterial.
Pruning out to help increase air flow can help If mature landscaping is worth saving, it can be cost effective to maintain and keep them.
This really is a case that having the trees and your yard examined by a qualified arborist may be a good idea.
If pruning and cleanup is needed, they can best advise. If the plantings are just simply old and out grown your yard; they can suggest how best to remove and what would work best for your yard and growing conditions.