Q.Grape hyacinth
I have a grape hyacinth bulbs that I received as a gift in the end of January in a pot. They grew leaves and then flowered. Now the flowers have died off and the longer leaves are still green but wilting. It is now almost mid March and I would like to move these to our outside garden. Can I still do that? When and will they flower again? Can I also cut the green foliage off so that there is just the bulb left and replant? Thank you for any help.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Either way is fine. If you want to wait another season, then go ahead and allow the bulbs to dry and store them until ready for planting. Don't forget that these bulbs will require a cold period of about 12 weeks (give or take) prior to blooming, so you may want to store them over spring/summer and then plant the bulbs in fall OR move them to a cold area (like the refrigerator) until ready for spring planting.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, you can plant them outdoors. These articles should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/bgen/how-to-plant-a-flower-bulb-in-your-garden-after-winter-forcing.htm
I would not cut the foliage. Instead, allow it to die down naturally. The plant requires its foliage to help produce additional bulb growth and blooms for next year. They may have reduced flowering this season but should bloom for you again next spring.

I am a bit confused still though... should I plant them right now or let them dry out over this next summer-winter and then replant next spring (not this spring)? Or doen't it matter?
Thanks for your help