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Echinacea Plants

Q.2nd Year With Same Problem—-echinacea Has Beautiful Leaves But Not Flowering. All Other Plants Nearby Are Fine. Should I Pull

Zone Zone 6---NJ | Anonymous added on May 13, 2022 | Answered

up ? I echinacea—-several plants. I’ve had them for 5-6 years. first 3 years they did very well, last year no flowers—–just flower heads that never opened. this year, no buds yet but full and healthy leaf growth. for how many years should they flower ? I’m in Zone 6—North/Central New Jersey.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 16, 2022

Echinacea usually are reliable bloomers. They do best in poor soil. If they've received fertilizer, they may be getting lush, green growth at the expense of flowers. When you say last year the flower heads never opened, made me wonder about aster yellows. But there would be more symptoms, such as green, grotesque flowerhead shapes; protrusions coming from the bud, witches broom on stems. If you suspect that is the problem, the plants need to be destroyed.


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