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Q.Rose Additions

april added on June 10, 2011 | Answered

I have two new additions, a Ronald Reagan rose and an Olympia. I chose them both for the large bloom, but I’d like to know how long they will bloom in a season? I live in Denver, Colorado.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 12, 2011

If the weather is right, we can have blooms into November. But usually things end around mid October when the first big frost hits hard.

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Answered on June 12, 2011

The roses usually give you three to four cycles of blooms. They get better as they get more established. Many do not truly hit their stride until in their third year, so if they are good when first planted they will be outstanding later. Even if they are a bit stingy on blooms the first year, they will likely increase with getting established. I am also in Colorado to the North of you in Loveland. Enjoy your new roses!!

Stan the Roseman :o)

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