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Rhododendron Plants

Q.Two PJM Rhododendrons in Same Spot Died

Anonymous added on May 8, 2013 | Answered

I had three PJM rhododendrons planted near a large maple tree, whose roots are sucking up all the moisture and are close to the top of the soil. The one in the middle has died twice, while the ones on either side are fine and bloom. What can I replace the middle one with? They are staggered in front of three viburnums. In front of the rhododendrons are a row of hostas, and then myrtle covers the ground around and in front of the maple tree, and the myrtle is growing beautifully. Is my only option an evergreen or is there a flowering plant that can go between the two rhododendrons that won’t die?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 9, 2013

Sounds like a great place for some Ostrich fern and Variegated Solomon's Seal. These plants will give a little color and take up the slack for the PJM. An azalea or Camellia sassanqua might look good there too.

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