Q.2 Norfolk Pine Trees Removed And Stump Ground 2 Years Ago Now This.
Two yrs ago had to have them removed ( both were at least 30m tall) as causing damage to house. Left area barren for 2 yrs, now turfed over area with lawn growing beautifully. Now this white stuff is coming up out of the lawn in places it looks like foam and keeps pushing up getting thicker and thicker, and after a while the sun seems to turn it brown, if you hit it with the edger it smells like mushrooms. It does not seem to worry the grass at this time as it continues grow.( the substance seems to be getting progressively harder. Just wondering if it is sap from the remaining tree roots which a well under the dirt or a fungus that has come with the turf.Photos attached
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It looks like slime mold, and the host may be remnants of the trees that were removed. It doesn't hurt anything and control is not advised. Here is more info: