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Q.1st time planing anything…

Zone oxard, California | mr.tylerlamb added on May 15, 2018 | Answered

So may 7th I had a customer cut off a long branch with a few roses on it and told me to take it home, pant it in a pot at least 14 inches and it will grow into a new rose bush. he son has done this many times she said…

so i did as she said, but the planter i got is actually 16 inches, yet all of the roses are all droppy and wilted now… I have never planted anything in my life before so dont know whats causing this. I water the plant every other day. and it gets a good amount of direct sunlight.

I did read online that it would take up to 9 months for the rose bush to re-root and become a new bush, it didnt say anything about if the flowers would die off in the process or not.

can anyone give me tips on what to do?

– Tyler

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 18, 2018

This article has information on rooting rose cuttings.
This would be the technique we think has the most success.
Not every cutting will take, so try not to get frustrated.

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