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Soil Amendments


Zone Portland, Oregon | PetRock added on November 3, 2017 | Answered

I love your website! It’s very informative.
I’m also looking to make a garden out of these rocks I found. I’m not sure if this is considered gravel or horticultural pumice or perlite or river rocks? I requested for their analysis, kindly see attached file. Does this bring any value to the plants?
Thank you!


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 4, 2017

This doesn't bring much value to plants on its own, but they seem safe to use as a covering layer if that is what you are asking. As far as growing things in the rocks, and expecting them to feed the plant... That will not be feasible here. Otherwise, it can make a great cover rock, or garden outline.

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Answered on November 5, 2017

Hi Bush Doctor,
Thank you so much for your input! Yes you answered my question!!!

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