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Hyacinth Plant

Q.100 Year old lilac bush

Zone Eagle, Colorado | amaslanka added on May 20, 2016 | Answered

I have recently moved into a new place with many huge lilacs on the property that are absolutely beautiful! There is one, however, that is not. It seems as though someone has pruned it several times, not really knowing what they were doing. I am now left with a shrub that is missing in the center and a few of the suckers that were around it are now full sized. It’s absolutely horrible looking. I am debating removing it completely, but I’m thinking that would be a huge undertaking, considering the plant is about 8 feet wide. I do have plant knowledge, but I absolutely need an expert’s opinion on what to do with this one. Do I chalk it up as a loss and take on the task of removing it, or is there hope?! Any advice is much appreciated! I have also included another picture of one of the others on the property that is just coming into bloom! Thank you so much!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 22, 2016

How cool that your new property already has some of these beautiful plants established on it! It would be a shame to remove such an old plant, especially if it's still sprouting new growth. If you have the patience, you could try to slowly prune it back into shape over the next couple of years. Sometimes it's even necessary to cut them down to within several inches of the ground and let them grow back (this should only be done in the spring, so you may want to wait till next year). This article will help you with whichever way you decide to go to: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/lilac/pruning-lilac-bushes-when-to-trim-lilac-bushes.htm

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