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Top Questions About Sunflower Plants

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Questions About Sunflower Plants

  • Answered by
    Nikki on
    December 29, 2010
    Certified Expert

    Do not use sunflower seed hulls on plants in your garden. They contain a chemical that stunts plants growth. It is best just to dispose of them.

    Try mixing boric acid (Borax) and sugar together into a paste and leave it where the termites/ants will walk through it. You should be able to find Borax at the grocery store in the laundry section. This will poison the pests and they will track it back to the nest and kill the ones there too.

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  • Answered by
    Heather on
    March 3, 2011
    Certified Expert

    It sounds like they are getting "leggy". This happens when they do not get enough light. Make sure they get more light, by either moving them to a brighter window or setting them closer to the light source you are using.

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  • Answered by
    Nikki on
    March 19, 2011
    Certified Expert

    It would be very hard to say exactly when to plant them in order to get them to bloom but it typically takes 50-90 days, which is a pretty wide range; but there are so many factors, from temps while growing to the variety that influence that. I would start planting in May or June and then do a new planting once a month for the next 2-3 months. That is really the only way you will be able to cover your bets, so to speak, and make sure you have sunflowers ready for the wedding.

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  • Answered by
    Nikki on
    March 31, 2011
    Certified Expert

    I would recommend doing so. The shells can keep plants from growing and will even kill existing plants.

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  • Answered by
    Nikki on
    April 4, 2011
    Certified Expert

    Without knowing what pest is is, it is hard to give specific advice, but there are several products on the market that generally repel small critters that nibble on shoots. Typically, they are made of predator urine. You can also try hot pepper powder or citrus peels, as these repel most small mammals.

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  • Answered by
    Nikki on
    April 18, 2011
    Certified Expert

    Doesn't matter--just toss them in the soil and they will grow. Here is an article that you may find helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/sunflower/growing-sunflowers-in-your-garden.htm

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  • Answered by
    Heather on
    April 27, 2011
    Certified Expert

    I would increase the amount of water they are getting. You want to water them just as the top of the soil gets dry, but not dry all the way through.

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