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Top Questions About Aluminum Plants

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Questions About Aluminum Plants

  • Answered by
    shelley on
    March 25, 2015
    Certified Expert

    How much cow manure did you add to the pot (what percentage is soil, what percentage is cow manure)? Was your cow manure well-aged? Ideally, cow manure should be composted before it is used on plants. Here is an article that will explain that process.

    Aluminum plants grow best in moist, well-drained loamy soil. Loamy soil has a combination of sand, silt and clay. Judging by the photo you provided, it looks like maybe your plant has been over-watered and that perhaps the soil is not very well-draining.

    For sunlight and watering guidelines, please visit the following link:


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  • Answered by
    Downtoearthdigs on
    September 22, 2016

    Here is a link to review the growing conditions.


    This could be a few things, including the issues you mention.
    Repotting in to large of a container can lead to soggy roots and root rot. The browning tips can be the first sign of that. Water only when the top inch or so of soil is dry.
    Aluminum plants are actually a tropical plant, hot or cold drafts can cause browning of leaves.
    Over fertilizing also can cause the issue.
    Lastly if you are watering with conditioned water, over time the salts can build up in the soil and cause the leaves to began darkened and kill the plants. The salts build up in the soil.
    You can set the water out on the counter 24 hours before using to water your plants.

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