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Bottle Brush Trees

Q.I have a bottle brush bush, no brush on ends

Zone Phoenix, Arizona 85032 | mheilman1 added on October 24, 2016 | Answered

The bush is at least 4 years old, beautiful green, very little or none of the flowers that are supposed to come blooming. Any advice? It has been fertilized its second and third year.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 24, 2016

A Brush Tree needs a sunny location with at least 6 hours of sunshine.
Only prune after it has bloomed heavily, if it has a few flowers; avoid pruning these off the tree.
I would also have a soil test done. If you have too much Nitrogen, this will inhibit flowering.
Over fertilizing is also a reason for excessive Nitrogen in the soil.
You can give the tree an application of Phosphorous to promote flowering; Bone Meal is a good way to add Phosphorous to the soil.
Here are some links with more information.


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